Friday, February 12, 2010

News Journal Happenings?


  1. What happened to the old blog? Wow, you miss a day - you miss a lot!

  2. Is this a new blog? I hope things stay clean on this one. I know you can't monitor everything people write, but there has to be way to weed out the trolls.

  3. In an effort to keep the things on the blog clean, I've decided to moderate comments before posting them. This will prevent negative comments on the thread. All comments posted remain ANONYMOUS.

  4. THANK YOU MODERATOR. Corporate news only.

  5. judge delays sale of news journal because of cox not filing proper paperwork

  6. yeah that AG comment was a little much, still this is the same mod that let pics of vl be posted?

  7. Yes, dbnjemployee, why did this take so long, and why did you leave rancid comments posted for as long as they were?

  8. Cox not filing proper paper work?????
    Sounds fishy. After all this time they have been right on top of things. Who really cares let them fight longer. Better for all of us.

  9. VL pics were the best part of this blog.

  10. Thank you for a more positive and informative forum.

  11. Typical of a place that never had any leadership:

    Somebody decides to step up to the plate and host something on their own time (to be nice), and they catch crap from idiots who never would have had the balls to do it in a zillion years.

    The use of the word "rancid" in 4:48 proves it's a newsroom junkie, too. Shocking.

  12. Actually, the judge delayed the sale because there were the legally required number of appraisals obtained -- same as last fall with the DeLand bureau property. Now why would they make the same "mistake" twice?

  13. Holy mackerel,there is going to be a little due diligence instead of a fire sale! Just when we thought all was lost, a Valentine from Judge Antoon.

  14. Thanks 1:53 p.m. for mentioning Judge Antoon's ruling, which strangely is missing from the pages of the N-J. Details are posted on Facebook at the Daytona Newspaper Retirees page. In a nutshell, Judge told Cox to go get some appraisals for several lots near the N-J's main building.

  15. Because ....maybe the dbnjemployee has a life!!!
    For God sake - forget the nasty comments on the old blog & just move on!! Thank the dbnjemployee for creating a new blog instead of berating them for leaving other people's comments on the old blog!

    Back to the purpose of this blog - I thought it was part of the sale process to provide a property appraisal when they turned in the paperwork to the judge originally? I saw survey crews on the NJ property as well as Pennysaver Ormond building property months ago. Usually that's part of getting a property appraisal, no?

  16. So the negativism starts already. Just be content, for a change. And give the blog owner credit for doing something, even if it didn't happen on your timetable.

    What surprises me in this latest court news is that all these high-powered people -- Hopson, Stevens Capital, Cox Enterprises -- thought they could buy/sell a newspaper without a property appraisal.

    I've never heard of anybody selling any kind of property without an appraisal, unless the buyers were paying cash.

  17. Sounds like 9:12, 1:34 and 5:33 are the primary purveyors of the rancid rhetoric. Defending himself as usual. And by the way, this is the same blog, just with a different thread. And it is legitimate to wonder why the blog owner decided only now to start moderating. Do you think the blog owner has our interests at heart?

  18. The unasked question here is why no appraisals were obtained. This is not an oversight. All the high-priced talent (and I use that term loosely) involved in this mess certainly must have known it would be required. It was intentional. So let's hear some theories as to why they did it.

  19. I don't think the delay of the sale due to inefficient appraisals means much. It's nothing more than Judge Antoon making sure there are no issues an appelate court could use to overturn his ruling. This is very common procedure in the leagl system.

  20. Re: Appellate court

    Do we intend to appeal the ruling when it is issued?

  21. 9:12, It takes no "balls" to spend five minutes at and anonymously create a free blog. Google "blog" and "libel" and you'll see court rulings that blog owners aren't responsible for libel in anonymous posts. So there's no real risk to dbnjemployee. The resulting strife, however, raises suspicion this was created by Cox, some attorney, WC and DC, HF, someone from the Sentinel or others who knew if they built a pit, we'd willfully jump in and claw each other apart.

  22. Did something happen at NJ? Did they have a mass lay-off this morning?

  23. Why do you ask. Did something happen to make you ask this question.

  24. omg! PLEASE credit/blame me..i did it, i did it!!!....WC

  25. Here's why there were no appraisals: There was no benefit to Cox to get appraisals, and no benefit to the buyer, either. In fact, it's probably better for both if there are no appraisals.

    I think JH was being a tad disingenuous when he compared getting appraisals for all the property to asking for an appraisal for a car's tires, engine, back seat, etc. I'm sure he remembers when Federal legislation was passed to try to slow down the corporate raiders.

    During an earlier troubled financial era, these guys were going around looking for companies whose stock was undervalued relative to their assets, then buying them and strip mining them--liquidating job-producing going concerns to profit off the sale of their assets. That's why in some cases judges can order appraisals of assets before control of a company changes hands.

    This doesn't seem to quite to be one of those corporate raider situations, but JH was doing the right thing by his bosses to hope the judge didn't force the issue. And, 2/14-5:19, you're probably right to suggest the judge is just trying to make his ruling more appeal-proof.

    Anyway, as to massive layoffs today, I didn't hear anything. Anyone else?

  26. The appraisals were not forgotten. Reading wanted properties in Daytona Beach that were not in the original sale added. In other words he wants more property than orginally bargained for but at bascially the same price. The judge said no. Now everything will get appraised with Reading getting his set of numbers from his appraisers and the Davidsons getting their numbers from their appraisers. This could tie up the sale for at least three months. So people relax a little. Go to a movie, out to each. Just relax.

  27. No boxes leaving the building today. Thanks for trying to start shit.

  28. Maybe the Davidsons will end up with the NJ after all. This could kill the sale for sure. I think Reading/Halifax/Stevens financing probably hinged upon certain timelines and such that could be jeapordized by this last minute roadblock. Thanks again to the Davidsons looking out for their own interests first, we could still be screwed.

  29. Asked but not answered: the appellate court was referenced as weighing on the judge's attention to detail.
    If the sale is approved, could we appeal the ruling ? Is it likely that we would do this ?

  30. Mike Joy, the lead Fox commentator on the Daytona 500 broadcast, held up the front page of the DBNJ and identified it only as "the local paper" and tossed it...

  31. There were appraisals for the NJ main building and presses, just two instead of the legally required three appraisals. But there weren't appraisals for a couple of the vacant lots that surround the NJ building, the ones the buyer wanted included in the sale. That seems to be the frontage on Nova Road and the lot across the street, in front of the deli, where there used to be a little white house.

  32. Yes, even if Judge Antoon grants approval of the sale, the ruling could still be appealed in the Federal Appelate Division. Though it s unlikely it would be overturned. Antoon is merely crossing his T's and dotting his I's. Judges do not like being overturned, hence they sometimes go beyond what is generally required as proof or evidence.

    To be honest, you all would be much better off if the sale went forward. It's better to get it over with than to keep anguishing on about the uncertainty of your future.

  33. The buyers had a guarantee of financing from the bank locked in for 90 days. That financing guarantee reportedly expires 3-31.

  34. "Mike Joy, the lead Fox commentator on the Daytona 500 broadcast, held up the front page of the DBNJ and identified it only as "the local paper" and tossed it..."

    Yeah, and he quoted the headline: Anything Could Happen and said we were right. National publicity baby!

  35. Stall these people !! The seller (Cox) is doing this out of SPITE, and the buyer is attempting to get more than he is paying for. Why, indeed , would we be "much better off" if this sale goes through ?
    We have been told that the judge has investments with Cox Communications. He therefore ought to have recused himself in this case. The entire proceedings are subsequently tainted, and any decision of his ought to be appealed.
    Maybe the asking price will rise. Maybe the financing window will close or the buyer may get cold feet. It's Cox's fault now; they refused to let us work out a repayment plan, as they got a bigger kick out of slashing us and watching us bleed. For harboring this attitude, and these methods, they shouldn't get Dime One in any settlement if there are any delaying tactics we can legally pursue.

  36. National publcity? The masdthead was folded backwards. Duh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Actually, it was priceless.

  37. Some national publicity. He folded the News Journal flag down so all you could see was the headline. And only for a few seconds. Yeah, with that kind of "national publicity" and a couple of bucks, you can buy a cup of coffee.

  38. Correcto says: It's spelled publicity and masthead. Duh.

  39. who exactly is going to appeal the federal judge? BK and his 50 buck 'war chest? everyone making over 30k is gonna be out the door. cox made it's money 100 times over with NJ. billion dollar cox is just 'daytona who?' it's not spite, well might have been to tippen but he's dead huh? so, don't steal from billionaires? people really don't understand that to crush the davidson's meant crushing NJ? if you have talent, you will find something else. not making as much money? then you were overpaid. simple.

  40. Okay, here's why we shouldn't "stall these people" and why we (potentially) are better off with a new owner:

    The N-J was floundering when JH came in with the task of patching some leaks and tossing some ballast so it would ride a little higher in the water, and he did that (I'm not saying he made all the right choices, but the ship is still afloat).

    However, we are essentially rudderless, and you can't just drift around out there forever. Sooner or later, someone needs to raise some sails and start heading in a long-term positive direction, or we're just going to drift along until we run aground, in which case none of us have jobs.

    IF we're lucky, new owners will bring a vision and leadership, spot the talented people and put them up front so they can run, we might even still be in business in some form or another a decade from now. That IF, however, is a big one. Personally, I'm not too optimistic about the new guy based on what I've heard, but I'm more optimistic about having new owners than I am about our prospects of staying afloat much longer without 'em.

    As for Cox and spite and all that--Who cares? Would that somehow miraculously bring back the Davidsons? Personally, I don't think that would be the answer to our prayers, and I'd avoid mythologizing them.

  41. I'd KILL to start a publication if I knew I was competing with newbies making no more than 30k. PLEASE Redding cull everyone making more than 30k and hire a bunch of 22-year-old know-nothings to take their place. FIRE all the editors and senior reporters who would be able to show them the ropes, and who have the institutional knowledge of the area. CAST ADRIFT all of the ad reps who have relationships with the business owners. I'll hire them. WATCH the value of your company turn to shit. WONDER why the upstart was able to come in with nothing and turn a profit in the first year. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do this.

  42. Move on people...the Davidson's and the rest of the Board Members were removed by JH in 2009. Why are we still discussing the Davidson's? Do they have anything to do with the final say of this particular sale?

  43. Let me get this right. The Davidsons, who put their love/obsession/sick-drug-like-addiction-obsession to the "arts" above the love for the people who made them rich -- they should be mourned like the Kennedys (Jackie O?).

    Yes, they once made 8-12 percent, but folks, they STILL MADE 8-12 PERCENT off of your hard work...and still spent it like they were in Vegas on a binge. If they hadn't spent it like they were in Vegas, would they be so scared now?

    We all know capitalism is horrible, but then again, if they'd have run this place like a real business instead of a family pig pen, it might have been worth buying one day. They may have preached "sharing", but when it came down to it, they were exactly like the people we here have preached against all along, weren't they? Let's face it. If you could sit in confession, facing one of the D family leaders, wouldn't it be tough not to express this anonymously?

  44. Hey all, don't pay too much attention to the naysayers, ESPECIALLY those who don't even work here. Why they post on this site is truly weird to me. Just remember: We are a lean, mean fighting machine now and still selling lots of papers and ADS. 15 percent profit, too! Hah. The pundits wrote off AM radio once upon a time, but it is running stronger than ever. The Internet will never deliver local ADS to someone's doorstep like our News-Journal.

  45. why would they be 22 year old know nothings? bet JF or RW or 100 others would jump at 30k. and what bank is going to loan you enough capital to start a publication? cuz, we 'all know capitalism is bad' even POYNTER gave up on you. they want to train the "fifth estate" housewive blogging about democracy, part of the 'making sence project' run by the social networking guru who is , oh yeah, splitting as fast as she can for law school. and yeah, i don't work there, just calling bullshit. wierd huh?

  46. Me thinks "February 18, 2010 4:30 PM" is on to something - let's think about this as a group......don't you think it would be just like some of the "fallen" and "falling" to start another newspaper?

  47. ... does 10:10 work on the copy desk? omg, lmao -- that was awesome, the grammar, the spelling, the punctuation: priceless. the points were fine. but the rest -- positively special.

  48. Just wait and see, 10:10. Just wait and see. You start with one of those free presses JH said they're giving away. Then you hire freelancers like you....well, maybe not like you

  49. YEAH, JF and RW are on the top of Redding's TO-HIRE list.

  50. It didn't take long for negative comments and backbiting to start creeping back.

  51. To 8:43 PM
    Capitalism is horrible? Really? How is that? How is making money for oneself horrible? How is having the Freedom to prosper horrible? How is having the Liberty to be free to make money horrible? Please enlighten us. Would you rather do the Progressive thing and take from one to give to another? No wonder we have so many problems at the N-J.

  52. Hey, the N-J changed its website. Now you have to register.

  53. John F. Kennedy and Indianapolis Colts wide receiver Reggie Wayne? Are they JF and RW?

  54. for talkback? i lean more from talkback than from the articles. that will just kill the flow of info. kinda like this blog owner is doing right now. just a stab at keeping the gates of imformation locked down, when there is no wall on either side of the gate.i pad will kill dead tree, print your local cuopons yourself.

  55. I HATE the backtalk crap. I like the new setup. I would love it, but I think we're still giving too much room to people who want to spout nonsense and viciousness. It astounds me that newspapers provide a venue for that.

  56. 3:06, Correcto says: it's "coupons," "iPad," "information," "kind of," "Back Talk," "learn," and "dead trees," plural. No one knows what you are saying with the wall and the gate. Finally, most of us learned to capitalize our sentences back in the first grade.

  57. hey...its unusual to stay at 59 the moderator piling up the comments in order to 'filter' thru them?

  58. Maybe no one has anything to say these days.

  59. Info. from the retirees' F-book page:

    The 2 appraisers will have their work submitted by Tues., Mar.23, and there's a follow-up hearing scheduled by Judge A. for 10:30 A.M. that day in Orlando Fed Court.

  60. We're all just sitting around waiting for the appraisals to come in. Meanwhile, the big news is the disappearance of the large mural in the cafeteria painted by that artist Tippen hired.

  61. The one with the fruit and gourds? Yeah, that was valuable.

  62. I heard they painted over it and used it for a partition. So sad.

  63. I'm sure it wasn't painted over. I saw it removed. I gather the art collection is not included in the sale of the business.

    The mural, which was painted on a large panel, was by Alberto Gomez, a pretty respected magical realist from South America. I imagine teh mural (although probably not one of his better works) would bring more than a few bucks at auction.

  64. O.T. I see that Henry has found a way to get free advertising for his NSN website. He's using our comments section to highlight himself. He finally has name back in the N-J.

  65. Let's start a new thread devoted entirely to Henry Frederick. Will be of no value to N-J employees anxious for information about the ownership of the paper and whether they will get to keep their jobs and pensions. But sure would be mighty entertaining. I'm sure each one of us has a favorite Henry story. So what do say, Mr. Moderator?

  66. Heeeee-heeeee!!!!! I've got some plums I'm itching to post!

  67. What it going on with the site? Hopefully, this is temporary. Cannot get signed on and it's totally screwed up.

  68. I heard Don lindley is leaving? Is this true?

  69. First off who gives a shit about Henry Frederick. The douchebag was wrong about Don Lindley and the deal he made to stay on with Redding. We all knew that crap way you my friend. Well today Don called a meeting to tell everyone in the newsroom that today was his last day. So NO DEAL was made. Sorry.

  70. What's the reason for Lindley's leaving?

  71. No reason given. He said this was probably his last day in the newsroom and he was going on vacation and he expects the sale to go through while he is gone. His due date to "come back" is March 30. So we will see if something shakes before then. You know how this thing has played out in the past. To be continued...

  72. I don't know how much clearer I can make myself be heard that I want to be left alone from having my name thrown out for scorn and ridicule on this forum and elsewhere. Attempts to smear my reputation on this so-called "unofficial" blog of the Daytona Beach News-Journal are hurtful and just plain wrong. As if that isn't bad enough, an editor of the News-Journal sent me a direct threatening e-mail with his name attached, which is being investigated by the New Smyrna Beach police for possible criminal prosecution and I am certainly pursuing civil litigation. Nobody has the right to judge me, make fun of me or threaten to harm my standing in the public. -- Henry Frederick

  73. "official" reason: he doesn't want to work for soon to be new owner

  74. So...are we looking at sometime next week for a final decision? Or should we expect this mess to continue into April? March would end the quarter, I suppose.

  75. OK for Henry to blather on about the News-Journal in his blog, but not cool for N-J folks to ridicule him. Smacks of hypocrisy.

  76. Funny how Henry can dish it out, but he can't take it.

  77. Hey, who is this Henry Guy. Really, he must have been before my time at the NJ

  78. Didn't someone report on the old blog that the financing deal for the sale was good only through March 31 ?

  79. Henry: I don't know you, and I can tell from your posts that I'm better off for that. However, in case you haven't heard, we still have freedom of expression in this country, so if someone thinks your behavior is contemptible and ridiculous, they're quite free to scorn you, your name, and the horse you rode in on.

    If you don't like it, don't come here. Go do something useful.



    You gone yet?

    See ya.

  80. Remember everyone (current NJ employees, layoffs, retirees, etc.) the finale should be on March 23 (or so they stated previously) when Judge Antoon will make his decision and the end of the financial backing is March 31.
    So, let's all hope everything goes well and that we'll still have a local newspaper.

  81. Or depending on who follows Don Lindley TWO local newspapers.

  82. Tomorrow is the day. Most likely the "unbiased judge" will rule tomorrow, igniting the lay-offs that have been anticipated. I found it funny that Hopson said he spoke with Redding, and that Redding "guaranteed" therwould not be a mass lay-off. The law that Hopson cited as protecting employees from massive lay-offs has so many loop holes that even M. Davidson could fit through. Don't be fooled. I'd bet anything that 25% of employees will be laid off within 2 weeks. The real shame is that Redding nor Hopson never looked inot all the backgrounds of the people laid off or even the ones about to be laid off. They both took the word from the managers looking to save their own asses and favorites. There's a lot of talented people who will be looking for jobs this week, while the less talented, less experienced people will be spared. Bad for the NJ, good for companies looking for real, proven talent.

  83. funny how us less talented people are still putting out a good product!

  84. Scary times indeed. I was checking out a forum written by Redding's employees at the Leesburg paper. Every one of them said he was incredibly ruthless: cut benefits, fired people routinely for no apparent reason, kept a revolving door policy, treated employees like scum basically. He was also apparently overheard saying "making money means more than any employee I own". "Own"? sounds like a wonderful man to work for doesn't he? He'll keep the Ad Director, The Pennysaver General Manager and some Creative Managers for about 3 months, then he'll axe them. He'll need them just until he grasps the operation.None of them possesses what he is ultimately looking for. He probably already has candidates in the back of his mind as of this hour. Feel sorry for all of you over the next few days. Good luck. Been there, done that.

  85. I see that the judge approved the sale. I hope not too many people lose their jobs over this.

  86. A lot of talented people are still out here looking for work. All editorial people, in particular, will have great difficulty finding work in their chosen field. Be ready to change careers.

  87. Change is good, 1:36. Good indeed.

  88. Any credible news on when layoffs will take place. If history is repeated, the day would be Monday. I really hope not too many people are let go. Good luck to all.

  89. How are we going to know what is going on with the layoffs Monday if this blog site has a time delay for the posted comments?

  90. Are you serious 5:46am. You need to wake up. The layoffs will be this Monday.

  91. Perhaps if we all agree to keep it civil, the moderator might remove the posting delay ?

  92. Monday is the day for the layoffs. Word is 10% reduction in work force, 40-50 people.

  93. 11:00 a.m. I understand what you are saying. But maybe people will post on Facebook.

  94. Ten percent company wide on Monday is all we know. We report to HR to find out if we are on the list of those being "retained" or those who are being let go and you will be handed your severance package. I just hope there's no pay cuts. As for Lindley, so long, mumbles didn't really do much in the way of leadership for the NJ, will Pamela and her worthless column be going with him? We can only hope. Everyone have a good weekend, we walk the plank Monday.

  95. Moderator, please for one day leave the posting open for Monday. The only posts I am interested in are civil ones. The others are just a waste. After all this time with the original posts what can one day do. We have heard it all anyway. Thanks. Nervous for everyone.

  96. To all the people I worked with at the Journal you are in our prayers.

  97. You gotta love it, there's a request for civility and Lindley's wife is thrown under the bus.

  98. Can't confirm those three layoffs, 2:59, but I definitely can confirm that somebody surgically removed your cajones while you were in your third trimester in the womb. You're a real troll for starting rumors about three good people before anything has been announced publicly. Go to hell.

  99. OK blogmaster, start moderating again. Obviously we;re not grown up enough to do this live. The trolls are descending. The bile is rising. The hate is permeating, just like the Teabaggers

  100. Teabaggers? That's not hate is it? It's FREEDOM OF SPEECH. Isn't it? I hope you still don't work here, because your owner is one. Have fun.

  101. NO ONE will be let go until Monday. Those of us at the Journal pretty much have an idea which exects will be leaving. Their offices are pretty much cleaned out. BB upstairs was clearing his office out today. I feel (and this is MY OPINION ONLY) that the head executives already know and have known that they will not be retained. With every take over of businesses this happens, it's inevitable. We need the change. Yes, I don't like losing friends and co-workers, but at the same time I am sick of the GOOD-OLE-BOY and GIRL network in that place. Move over and move on. If you are good at what you do, you'll find something else. If not then you can get in line and collect that $270 a week. See if you can do it.

    P.S. MOD, I agree. Just make this live on Monday.

  102. BB ... if that's so, we'll miss his work, for sure.

  103. By the time the trolls know this blog is live it will be all over. And then moderator can take control again. Well have a rested Sunday. Anyone bringing a blender.

  104. Trolls already know.....maybe not Mr List, yet. He'll find out in his Xanax stupor tonight

  105. Talked with some folks who still work at the Daytona Beach News-Jrnl and they were informed to report for duty on Monday (March 29, 2010)as usual. Supposedly someone will inform them they are or they are NOT making the transition with the new owners. What a thing to have hanging over your heads for the weekend. All the best to everyone who still works there.

  106. Tick, tick, tick...

  107. Bottom line is you worked your last shift, loser and you will be pink-slipped on Monday. I know it and you know it, so go ahead and wallow in your alcohol.

  108. 9 ;33 p.m. WTF is that about. Who cases?


  110. STOP THE INSANITY. Let the bloggers have their say. You do not need to respond. Monday, good luck and God Bless each and everyone.

  111. You are being petty and nasty because you are all you didn't know it was coming...just wait till Monday and there will be more let go later.. you can bet on it..

  112. Yes we are scared. Who wants to wake up and go to work as "usual" and then get shit canned. Yes we knew it was coming. Yes we know there will be more let go later. But Monday is the day and nothing can change that. We are human ya know, we have emotions. We do not need to be petty and nasty at this time.

  113. why can't people say what they have to say. love it when it's true.

  114. Those of you who think these layoffs are solely for "executives" are in for a big surprise. It's all about cost-cutting and that means some of you $40K-plus people are going to go ba-bye. This is the Cory and Derek Show now as they are the new colonels leading Redding's Army. If you think things were bad under mumbling Don, it's only going to get worse: Much more work with less compensation. It's all about divide and conquer. You'll be doing your former colleagues' work on top of your own, long enough until you, too, are kicked to the curb in the name of profits. Think about the hundreds already fired so Redding could make his measly $20M work. Heck, they are so cheap, they are going to two-week pay periods. Don't hate the messenger, hate the message and those it represents. Those of you who have endured to this point will feel an even bigger stabbing of betrayal more so than the others before you because you got this far. Don was weak and so predicting his future leadership was folly. After all, it was the "business reporter" he brought in to destroy Czot and others along the way to get that throne. So now you have two flunkees from the Sentinel replacing Josephine's adopted son, Donnie boy. The dynamic duo will not hesitate to pull the trigger on any of you as they had a big hand in those sent away before you. So while you show your weakness tearing apart others and each other, the new powers to be are looking closely at the balance sheet. Notice in last week's story on the acquisition that there was not one word devoted to employees let go.

  115. No. We're being petty and nasty at YOU because you are so obviously reveling in it. As if any of US caused what happened to YOU. Here's the thing though: WE'LL find our way to other successes. YOU will still suck.

  116. Will this blog cease to exsist come Tuesday?

  117. To tell you the truth Mr. Bitter 12:54 p.m. "You'll be doing your former colleagues' work on top of your own". I have been doing that for three years now. I have no problem doing more. Bring it on. I love it. "Cory and Derek Show?" NO PROB. I have no issues with them. They know how hard I work and would never think about replacing me. I need a voice and belive that they will step up for me. Shit they already have. Mumbles and BK did nothing of sorts EVER. I only pray that those two are here to lead us.

  118. Wishing the best to all today. For some this will be the end of a very stressful 2+ years and for those who are kept it will be the beginning of a new unknown factor. The best to everyone.

  119. Hey, 11:42, at least you are a literate shit spreader, and your posts are thoghtfully composed. Care to give Mr. List some lessons in grammar, spelling and sober analysis? Or perhaps the two of you are mortal enemies, destined to fight to the death for the title of News-Journal's Top Soul Crusher? At any rate, keep thinking those happy thoughts and say hi to the cats.

  120. 5:31 I do not think so, but I am sure it may go back to being monitored. Well I am at work as usual, no lighting strike yet (and I do not mean the weather).

  121. THIS IS A TEST...

  122. I'm a former N-J reporter who left for greener pastures about 15 years ago, but still count many current employees as comrades and friends of mine. Just wanted to let you all know that I'm thinking about you and praying for the best for all of you. I know it has been a long, difficult, anxious road for you. For those who are retained, I hope your tenure with the new management is a positive one. And for those who are let go, I pray that the parting of ways with the N-J will become a blessing that leads to better things down the road, as it has for me. Keep your collective chin up and try to keep it on the positive. God bless to all. You have a lot of friends and supporters who are wishing you the best!

  123. Hey 9:16 PM, you forgot to sign your name so you can get credit for ass-kissing. But since you clearly have perfected the art, I'm sure they already know of your undying love... and your job is safe, regardless of your talent. Sorry, everyone, but these are the kind of people who will be the survivors, not necessarily the ones with the most talent. Say hello the the new boss. Same as the old boss. Just a different ass to kiss.

  124. Debbie A. display sales, Daytona Pennysaver
    Christine Grisswald, display sales, WV Pennysaver

  125. Gone - Kathy Coughlin, Leween Jones, Farris Robinson, Cindy Dalecki, James Blasco, Stacy Montoya, David Haddad, Marty Sellers, Kelley Meehan

  126. What time today are the layoffs supposed to happen? Everything seems quiet.

  127. Moderator, what happened to being live today.

  128. some folks didn't know how to behave, you can blame it on them.

  129. There hasn't been much traffic, so you're not missing anything.

  130. This isn't a test, but keep on thinking that

  131. Any knowledge about Editorial people?

  132. Has anyone heard anything about the sales assistants - VH or Rita

  133. Mr. Moderator you seem to have an attitude yourself.

  134. Yes, I'm in dire need of an attitude adjustment. ;)

  135. Okay at least you admit it.

  136. Lots of Editorial people it seems.

  137. Any word on Accounting Dept?

  138. Have there been any reports for the employees in Building B ??

  139. Becky and Judy, Accounting.

  140. So, less than 10 people were let go? I thought it would have been much more than that. I do feel bad for those let go. I guess I was expecting many, many more. Just a guess, but after Redding observes how things get done, he'll probably do another round (those are the one's who will get shafted because there will not be a severance package like the ones handed out before). In the end, only 8 or so people being let go wasn't that drastic afterall.

  141. 55 managers left. What's with that! Some peons let go and that includes me. I'll miss my co-workers, but feel a sense of relief that I'll not be working for the likes of Michael Redding and his self-professed Christian ways. Look under hypocrite in the dictionary and you'll see his name.

  142. Spouse couples split up: Hurtibise, Laurie Sterbens, Kelly Markowitz

  143. 48 people were laid off according to the newspaper's own web site. Not 8. As predicted some time ago.

    About 10 percent of the staff. About the same as the Sept 2009 bloodletting, the last big one.

  144. All names have not been posted.

  145. No, 10 percent were let go. 13 from Editorial alone. Total of about 48 people. And yes, only a few "managers." I'm happy for the 90 percent still working.

  146. Moderator not allowing postings

  147. Don Lindley, Pamela Hasterok, Bruce Beattie, Connie Moore, David Wiggins, Pierre Tristam, Laura Wiliams, Jamie Bender, Laurie Sterbens, Kelly Markowitz, Laura Williams, Connie Moore, Doug Davis, Kathleen Coughlin, Kristina Klasne.

  148. Does anyone have a complete list of those let go?

  149. I'll allow your posts as long as you're not a douche.

  150. Laura Williams has NOT been let go, as far as I know. Morris Sullivan from Special Publications hasn't been mentioned, I think.

  151. Can anybody confirm/deny the 12:43 list?

  152. Hmmm....what if all the laid off people came together and pooled their severance and started a competing paper? Would that motivate Redding or beat him down? Just asking.

  153. I'm not seeing any new posts so I guess someone was douche.

  154. Got an answer to my own question (not approved yet; may not need to?) of a few minutes ago regarding 12:43's list: All but one of those people are no longer listed on the News-Journal's web site contacts list. Laura Williams is still listed.

  155. Re: Doug Davis. Boo f---ing hoo on behalf of everyone ever screwed over by this piece of crap. Hope they check references at Walmart!

  156. more...Lorrie Mitchell, Marty Sellers, Buzzy Alexander, Ellen Andrews, Laween Jones, James Blasco, Morris Sullivan, Ellana Ruel (SP)

  157. It's unfortunate that more managers and supervisors weren't laid off. Glad to see, though, that Doug Davis, Don Lindley, and Kathleen Coughlin are on the way out.

  158. Alina Matson also from special pubs was let go

  159. Here is a list of some folks that were either laid off, given a buyout or retired:

    Ron Hurtibise
    Doug Davis
    Don Lindley
    Kathy Coughlin
    Pamela Hasterok
    Bruce Beattie
    Connie Moore
    Pierre Tristan
    Laura Williams
    David Wiggins
    Laurie Sterbens
    Kelly Markowitz
    Kristina Klasner
    Jamie Bender
    Cindy Dalecki
    David Haddad
    Marty Sellers
    Kelly Meehan
    Ellen Andrews
    Justin Smith
    Steve Robbins
    Dave Bejster
    Stacy Montoya
    Leween Jones
    Farris Robinson
    James Blasco
    Cheryl Marcilliat

  160. Pete Rock from Graphics...

  161. What about Pennysaver and phone book folks??

  162. Doug Davis, Ron Hurtibise, Kelly Markowitz, Laurie Sterbens, Jamie Bender, Pierre Tristam, David Wiggins, Kristina Klasne, Bruce Beattie, Connie Moore, Pamela Hasterok, Don Lindley, Laura Williams, Kathleen Caoughlin.

    Basically, all married couples got fucked.

  163. Ron Hurtibise (Anner Geggis), Kelly Markowitz (Dave Markowirz), Laurie Sterbens (Scott Sterbens)and Jamie Bender (Jim Witers) were all canned because they have spouses employed at the N-J. Kristina Klasne, also cut, is the sibling of Nick Klasne). These are arbitrary and "discriminatory" cuts based on marriage and family. You should have grandfathered them in. They were singled out because of their spouses or siblings. These are clear-cut cases of litigation.

  164. Correction: Laura Williams was NOT laid off. Information provided to this poster was incorrect. Sorry Laura.

  165. This list looks like 31 people. Who else?
    ?, Becky, Accounting
    ?, Judy, Accounting
    A, Debbie, Display sales
    Alexander, Buzzy
    Andrews, Ellen
    Beattie, Bruce
    Bender, Jaime
    Blasco, James
    Coughlin, Kathy
    Dalecki, Cindy
    Davis, Doug
    Grisswald, Christine
    Haddad, David
    Hasterok, Pamela
    Jones, Leween
    Klasne, Kristina
    Lindley, Don
    Markowitz, Kelly
    Matson, Alina
    Meehan, Kelley
    Mitchell, Lorrie
    Montoya, Stacy
    Moore, Connie
    Robinson, Farris
    Ruel, AEllana
    Sellers, Marty
    Sellers, Mary
    Sterbens, Laurie
    Sullivan, Morris
    Tristam, Pierre
    Wiggins, David

  166. Well, y'all, since I no longer work there as of yesterday morning, I don't see much point in continuing to visit the blog.

    To those who were laid off with me yesterday: I wish you well, and hope that this change leads to better things for you. And it will, although life might be a pain in the butt for a while. Let's all hope it's a short "little while."

    I've lived long enough to have had to rethink my career a couple of times, and I've learned that getting new doors to open is mainly a matter of keeping one's options open. There's a lot you can do and there's a lot you can't do anything about. Focus on what you can do, and look for happiness in this particular moment.

    And heck, comme si, comme sa. Sure, it could be better. But surviving this round might have just prolonged the agony, too.

    To those of you remaining: Be kind to one another.

    Fare well. Farewell.

  167. Good luck suing over being laid off. Married couples have no more right to two jobs than unmarried workers have to one. In a right to work state, you can be fired (or laid off) for any reason. And with a new owner coming in, the sky is the limit. New owner can fire everyone with impunity. Be glad you got a buyout and move on. For the survivors, don't assume your job is safe. New owner and tough times in newspaper biz make for uncertain times...for some time to come.

  168. New departees, this is basic but it bears repeating: Check your severance packets and read all the fine print closely. Don't discard or misplace the packet. Make sure HR has your hire date and termination dates correct. This will be vital information in coming weeks, when the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corp. determines whether you have vested pension benefits from the N-J, and the amount of your benefit. Be aware, if you're over 55 and thinking vaguely about early retirement, the PBGC may take 3-4 months or longer to process your pension request after it takes over the pension plan. General updates on the pension issue and court actions are posted at the Daytona Newspaper Retirees page on Facebook. Lastly, a donation to the retiree-interveners' Legal Defense Fund would be much appreciated.

  169. More folks from outside Building A:

    Mary Clark (27-8 years)
    Skip Wright (Kim - post office - wife)
    Skip Wright, Jr.
    Jim Maley (D.M., DeLand)
    Justin Smith (D.M. - Rex Smith, dad)
    Stephanie Wilson (Karen Gallagher - mom)
    Charlie Masters (20+ yrs.)

  170. Updated list:
    Still only 37 of the 48 people laid off?

    ?, Becky, Accounting
    ?, Judy, Accounting
    A, Debbie
    Alexander, Buzzy
    Andrews, Ellen
    Beattie, Bruce
    Bejster, Dave
    Bender, Jaime
    Blasco, James
    Coughlin, Kathy
    Dalecki, Cindy
    Davis, Doug
    Grisswald, Christine
    Haddad, David
    Hasterok, Pamela
    Heise, Bob
    Hurtibise, Ron,
    Jones, Leween
    Klasne, Kristina,
    Lindley, Don
    Marcilliat, Cheryl
    Markowitz, Kelly
    Matson, Alina
    Meehan, Kelly
    Mitchell, Lorrie
    Montoya, Stacy
    Moore, Connie
    Robbins, Steve
    Robinson, Farris
    Rock, Pete
    Ruel, Allana
    Sellers, Marty
    Smith, Justin
    Sterbens, Laurie
    Sullivan, Morris
    Tristam, Pierre
    Wiggins, David

  171. Skip Wright Sr in Pkg & Dist also laid off

  172. Patty Kastler in HR was laid off last week

  173. Dear News-Journal friends,
    I am deeply sorry to hear about the layoffs - both yesterday and earlier. I was proud to work at the N-J and got to do a lot of great reporting and writing. You are all in my thoughts and prayers. I wish better times for all of you. Good luck.

    Kathryn Quigley

  174. One more:

    Charles Battle (semi-truck driver,operations)

  175. New Smyrna blog post about N-J layoffs. Why let a little thing like spelling get in the way?

  176. There are still several marrieds that I can think of. Offhand, Terry and Rex Smith, Robert and Kathy Page and their niece and I'm sure many more. Don't think that had anything to do with it. It's just a numbers game.

  177. The best is yet to come. Now that Cox's cuts are done to make the sale happen, Redding is next and boy are you guys in for a big surprise: He didn't spend $20 million to have overpriced reporters rewrite press releases. In 90 days, the newsroom will be halved. Think he is going to continue paying a reporter $40,000 to write a fishing column once a week? How about those spousal cuts? Poor computer assisted reporter sacrificed for his whiny wife.

  178. Did you all read the new employee handbook? Talk about negative. It seemed as though every paragraph mentioned "discharge" or "termination". It would have been nice to see a handbook that showed the positive side of Halifax Media. I think this shows what kind of man Redding is and will continue to be: as state before - "ruthless" in his pursuit of profits. Did you also notice the "60 day probabtionary period"? When you're let go within that timeframe (and many will be), there will be no unemployment benefits. Talk about screwed. So much for positive change.

  179. I heard the computer assisted reporter asked to be cut because he had a better deal on the line. And the "whiny wife" can out-report and out-write any of the trolls on this blog.

  180. Breaking News: Of the 11 postings online for breaking news, 10 are from press releases, the new normal for the News-Journal. Of course, the exception came from sports so really it is 10 for 10 in press releases. One of the press releases was turned into a follow-up press release story. With 18 reporters making $40,000 each, that is $720,000. That is a lot of money for Redding to pay for press release stories. Oh, you might want to get that press release from the county on census figures.

  181. Apparently no one read the old NJ paperwork - its basically the same with the exception of drug testing - a 60-90 day probationary period with the possibility of termination without specific reasons is not new, no compete clause - not new, no playing on the Internet all day, etc., dress like you want to be at a real job - its all pretty basic stuff that a lot of spoiled NJ employees never followed in the past or present. And bringing back performance reviews is a good thing - let's hope the hard workers now get credit for their efforts.
    At least give the guy a chance before branding him as "negative". The old regime was not only negative, but encouraged very poor management & favoritism and never addressed serious employee problems - just created a new niche to hide the problem in. We should be happy we have been purchased & someone has taken an interest in revitalizing the business. Here's to everyone's future success there.

  182. I was told that employees cant work in the same Dept. as their relatives do. That's why some were let go.

  183. They said people retained were not on probationary status, that all old paperwork was shredded and this is a formality.

  184. Happy to have been purchased? So, you're saying that an employee who has been there 15 years is suddenly let go in the 60 day probation period, and they are ineligible for unemployment? That's horrid! Yeah, you guys are real lucky to have been purchased by this guy. He claims to have been an "Executive" with the NJ before...come on people...he was a classified manager. Big deal. I ws let go a few months ago, and have googled Michael Redding and absolutely nothing comes up about him. That's just plain odd. A man of his so-called experience and "big-money expertise" would have resulted in tons of available information. Get real're in for a real good time with this guy. Again, there WILL be mor layoffs before your 60 day probation has expired. I'd bet the farm on that one.

  185. I still think someone should get hold of Keegan and tell her that Wiggins and Tristam got the well-deserved ax. After the things they did to her, she'll probably break out the champaigne. No, I can't tell her myself. I don't know how to reach her.

  186. I talked to an employee today, and she said there was not a probationary period for current employees. Also, no pay cuts (beyond what already occurred when N-J went from 37.5 hours a week to 40). She seemed pleasantly surprised.

  187. I heard Mr. List was going to apply for a job. Thank goodness so many are left that remember him.

  188. Who is They Said? They who?

  189. I worked at the N-J from Jan 1994-March 1996 and have some great memories -- it was my first daily, and I met some great people. I left the newspaper biz about 4 years ago, went into PR and was laid off 2 1/2 years later, so I can sympathize. It's hard, no doubt. But I hope that for all of you facing these changes, it will be a blessing in disguise and you will find something new that you enjoy, fulfills you and pays better! I'm thinking of all of you, and wishing you the best!!

    Ellen Slingsby
    Boston, MA

  190. More fodder for the lawsuit.

  191. I left the N-J years ago, just before the whole Cox thing blew up, and it's sad seeing what's happened to the place and the people in it. I knew and worked with many of the people listed above and there are only a few of them who honestly deserved their fate, in my opinion. There are many people who put many years and much blood, sweat and tears in that place and for them I will mourn. And to those who are concerned about the new ownership, don't kid yourselves: No one buys a newspaper these days unless their motives are purely of the profit variety. And however much they've trimmed staff over the past couple of years, the N-J newsroom is full of many long-time employees who I dare say still make a fair salary. The new owners are only interested in turning a profit and if they can do that by dumping high-paid older reporters and editors and bringing in a crew of younger people for half the salary or farming reporting out to a cloud of unsalaried "correspondents" (as my current employer has), what do you think they're going to do? It may not happen immediately, but it will happen. The business side is in control of the industry now and it's not going to give it up.
